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5 Times When an Annuity Might Be Right For You

如果你目前正在计划退休,很可能你已经被告知要考虑年金. Below, 我们将介绍什么是年金的基本知识,并举例说明什么时候年金可能适合你.

What Is an Annuity?

年金是指你和大发888dafa公司签订的大发888dafa合同. You can pay for an annuity with a series of payments or a lump sum. 当你购买年金时,你会定期收到收入. An annuity is typically purchased to fulfill a specific purpose, such as long-term care costs, lifetime planning, or legacy planning. The payments from an annuity can be deposited into a savings account, pension payments, or monthly home mortgage payments.

年金的主要优点是,它是一种投资,可以为你的余生提供有保证的收入. 因此,年金是那些计划退休的人的热门选择. 年金可以为你提供一种避税的退休储蓄方式. 如果你已经透支了IRA和401(k)账户,这对你尤其有益。. There are no contribution limits for annuities.

请记住,年金合同的保证取决于发行公司的索赔支付能力. Annuities have contract limitations, fees, and charges, including account and administrative fees, underlying investment management fees, mortality and expense fees, and charges for optional benefits. 大多数年金都有退保费,如果你在年金合同的头几年取出钱,通常退保费最高. Withdrawals and income payments are taxed as ordinary income. If a withdrawal is made prior to age 59 ½, 10%的联邦所得税罚款可能适用(除非有例外)。.

How Does an Annuity Work?

说到年金,你有几个选择. You can choose between single or multiple premiums, immediate or deferred payments, and a lifetime or fixed period for payments. If you have a large sum of money saved up, 你可能有能力一次性支付年金(或一次性保费)。. However, 你也可以选择在一段时间内分期支付年金(或多次支付保费)。.

接下来,您需要决定何时开始接收付款. You can decide whether the annuity is immediate or deferred. 如果年金是即时的,您将立即开始收到付款. 否则,年金是延期的,这意味着你将在未来开始收到付款.

Finally, 你需要决定你是想终身领取年金还是在一段固定的时间内领取. If you choose a lifetime annuity, 在你的一生中,你会收到一笔固定数额的钱. 然而,如果你选择定期年金,你将收到5到25年的付款. You can choose the amount of time for the fixed period annuity.

What Are the Different Kinds of Annuities?


Fixed Annuities

固定年金是指一个人在大发888dafa公司的储蓄账户. The fixed annuity is comparable to a certificate of deposit.

Variable Annuities

可变年金可以看作是共同基金和年金的结合. 你从可变年金中获得的款项将取决于你所选择的共同基金的表现. The money you put into a variable annuity will grow tax deferred. This means that, when you start receiving payments from the variable annuity, you will need to pay income tax on this money.

5 Examples of When an Annuity May Be Right for You

当你考虑退休的时候,你可能想知道你是否应该买年金. 本节讨论五个例子,说明什么时候年金可能适合你.

  1. You don't want to deal with the stock market. 由于风险和不确定性,许多退休人员不愿意把钱投资于股市. 当你把钱投资到股票市场时,投资的价值可以上升也可以下降. 相比之下,年金将有助于保存你投资的本金.
  2. 你想确切地知道你能从你的投资中获得多少利息. 年金,尤其是固定年金,会给你固定的回报. A variable annuity will provide you with variable returns. However, there is still a guaranteed minimum return.
  3. You want income that is predictable and guaranteed. 如果你想要的收入,你可以指望你的余生或一段时间, an annuity is a favorable choice.
  4. You want an alternative to long-term care insurance policies. 如果你负担不起长期护理大发888dafa,或者根本不是一个好的选择, you can get an annuity instead.
  5. You are unable to get life insurance. 年金可以提供许多与人寿大发888dafa相同的好处. 因此,如果你不能买人寿大发888dafa,年金可能是一个合适的选择.

对于退休人员来说,年金是一个很好的选择,他们想要以一种安全而有保障的方式为退休提供足够的资金. For more information about annuities, don't hesitate to contact us.

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